This week we are excited to hear from Pastor Dayle, and to continue our series in Galatians. What does it mean to be free? What are we free from? What Paul’s letter to the Galatians teaches us is that once we have accepted Christ, we have a fundamental choice to make. We are free to choose whether we are going to listen to God’s spirit or our own. We can hear his voice, but in our humanness, in this sinful world, we can also hear the voice of temptation. Who are we going to walk with and listen to? Or as Paul puts it to the Galatians: But I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh. (Galatians 5:16 ESV) We need to make the choice of who we walk with. We need to figure out who we are going to listen to. Please pray for the team as they prepare, we are looking forward to being with you this Sunday!