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CRBC Sunday Service

January 31, 2021


On behalf of the Staff, and Board at Campbell River Baptist Church, we would like to welcome you and thank you for connecting with us today.

If you know someone who is not receiving our weekly newsletters and would like to, please encourage them to do so by calling into the office (250) 287-8831 or go directly to the website.

We are so thankful that you have continued to be the Church in so many ways each and every week!! We are the Church. Our worship of God is not confined by the walls of our building. We cannot give up gathering (Hebrews 10:23-25a), we cannot stop loving, we cannot stop giving, we cannot stop growing.

We have an opportunity to serve our faith community here in Campbell River and we want to provide you and your family with resources to stay connected to God’s word and to each other during this time. 

Please use this Order of Service as a springboard to start your time of worship this morning.

God Bless


Offering links/ways to give

We are called to honor and worship God with all areas of our life. This includes resources such as our time and finances. We would like to take the opportunity to point you towards some of our online giving options such as and e-transfers

The link to is:

Drop off a Cheque:

  • The office is open Mon-Thurs 9-4 and Friday 9-Noon, we would love to see you


  • We are now able to accept E-transfers please email


  • To use the a debit/credit card come into the office during office hours.


Series: Elijah

Scripture:  I Kings 19

Title: Battling Depression

Have you ever experienced depression? Are you experiencing depression now? Have you ever experienced burnout? Are you feeling burnt out now? Have you ever become so overwhelmed with anxiety that you can scarcely breathe in the moment let alone contemplate the future? The stories of Elijah remind us that it is OK to talk about these feelings. This Sunday we will start the conversation around depression and burnout.



Children’s Ministry

Below is a list of children’s resources that you can use to lead your family or small group gathering.  


Idea: F.R.O.G (Fully Rely On God) Paper Plate Craft

In the lesson from Matthew 11, Grannie Annie and Wonderful Wanda talk about simple faith. This kind of faith is available to us because we can always rely (count) on God to help us. No matter what.  


  • Large paper plate
  • Green tempera paint or green markers
  • Something to color with, (to draw the eyes, legs, tongue and arms)
  • Scissors
  • Glue
  • Paper

What to do:

  1. Paint the plate with green tempra paint and set aside to dry or colour with markers
  2. Draw eyes, legs, tongue and arms on paper.
  3. Cut out the shapes of the eyes, legs, tongues and arms.
  4. Once the plate is dry, glue the legs to the bottom and the arms on the sides.
  5. Fold the plate in half and crease (the arms and legs should both be on the bottom half of the plate.
  6. Glue the eyes onto the top of the plate.
  7. Glue the tongue into the inside of the plate (mouth). 
  8. Curl the tongue with a pencil to make it more frog-like.


Saplings (Preschool) -

Cedar/Mighty Oaks (Elementary) -

Preschool Songs:

Below is a playlist with a bunch of songs that we have done for you to listen to if you wish.

CLICK HERE for Preschool Spotify Playlist

Elementary Songs:

Below is a playlist with a bunch of songs that we have done for you to listen to if you wish.

CLICK HERE for Elementary Spotify Playlist

Ideas to serve in our community

Over the next few weeks, we will want to be both proactive and creative in how we maintain our community while still being wise about our health. There are many people within our body of believers here at CRBC and many more in our community who may find it difficult to get the supplies they need, day in and day out.

We would like to help facilitate during this time and we ask that you call into or email the CRBC office and provide us your name and number if:

  • For a health-related reason, you are unable to leave your residence to go shopping or get the resources that your family needs      
    • Or
  • You are healthy and able to go shopping/run errands for someone in need