
Matthew 25:14-30
How do you use your talents for Jesus?

 What is your talent? How do you use your gifts for Jesus? In Matthew 25:14-30, Jesus tells a parable about a master who entrusts his servants with talents before going on a journey. To one, he gives five talents; to another, two; and to the third, one. The first two servants invest and double their talents, while the third buries his out of fear. When the master returns, he praises the first two but rebukes the third for not using his talent. This parable teaches us that God has uniquely gifted each of us with abilities and resources. It’s not about the quantity, but about how we use what we’ve been given for His kingdom. We are called to invest our talents in ways that bring glory to God, spread His love, and build up the body of Christ. Fear should not hold us back; rather, we must step out in faith, trusting that God will multiply our efforts. So let us reflect on our talents and consider how we can employ them for Jesus, knowing that when we do, we participate in the work of His kingdom.