The Church

"This Sunday, we will be talking about the nature of the church and the unique role that God has given us to bring about gospel renewal. Paul gives some clear indicators of what this looks like for today. We can do this by using our God-given gifts in a way that brings about belonging and unity. 1 Corinthians 12:6 says, “there are varieties of activities, but it is the same God who empowers them all in everyone. To each is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the common good.”We can’t limit the essence of the church to a Sunday morning gathering or something that we watch online. How do we all use our gifts that way? You can’t! The Church needs to be at work all around the city as individuals and groups. Meeting in homes, workplaces, parks, and coffee shops in using and developing our spiritual gifts. The key point here is that we have been given gifts to use for the common good. The question we need to be asking ourselves. Are you contributing to the common good of the city? The church using our gifts goes way beyond a building. The word translated common good means “is beneficial.” The overall purpose of the body is to saturate the world with Jesus for their benefit. As we are going to see, we need to examine and then put down the things that keep us from being the church that Christ called us to be."