
John 4: 43-54

It starts with you taking Jesus’ word for it when he gives you a promise and then taking a step of faith. And sometimes you walk in faith for a while trusting that God will do something great and you don’t see anything. It doesn’t say how long the man walked for before his servants found him and said that his boy was healed. It just says While the man was on his way, some of his servants met him with the news that his son was alive and well. Maybe he was walking for a few minutes maybe he was walking for days, I don’t know. Maybe you have been walking in faith for a long time, you have been in the bible, you’ve been spending time with Jesus, you’ve been faithfully working in the church for a while and maybe you haven’t seen Jesus do something miraculous yet. That can be really tough. It can be really hard thinking that you’re following Jesus and it’s not making a difference. But I can guarantee that if you’re following Jesus it is making a difference, you might just not see it yet. I have heard so many stories of people doing small things and finding out they had a huge impact years and years later. So stay faithful, because things are happening.