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Contrary to what many may think, the origin and development of the human race is not a settled matter in academia.  Increasingly, since the 1960’s, and in light of what modern science and philosophy is discovering, the question of origin’s has not only been reopened with new vigor but is seeing a very significant move within its ranks toward belief in God as the intelligent designer of the universe, the world, and human life.  There is a great deal of controversy surrounding this, yet, the door is “flung” wide open to this cutting edge possibility.  This has granted a fresh footing for the Christian story of creation in our day. 

The beginning of the Bible story line is found in Genesis chapters 1 to 2.  It is the story of a great and good God who created the entire universe, world, and us.  He made everything perfect; that is, all the focus was on God and his full blessing was on everything.  This focus was necessary.  God is the infinite maker of our temporal universe, he is the supreme intelligence behind its amazing design and purpose, and he is the perfect and loving moral authority that gives everything its meaning and value.

In what ways can you see God’s design in the world and universe around you?  How does the Bible’s creation story help you in making sense of life? 

How does this creation story coincide with your life story?  Well, to begin with, you have a beginning, you have amazing design and purpose, and you are a moral being with meaning and value.  This is because the God who made everything is, in particular, your maker.  He is the one who loves you and cares for you, for he has “knit” you together in your mother’s womb and brought you forth (Psalm 139).  You are in his likeness and image (Genesis 1:26-28), and you are a unique reflection of that. 

In what ways do you think you personally reflect the image and likeness of God?  In what ways do you exhibit his design?  What might his purpose (or, purposes) be for your life?