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I'm Wondering if You’re Wondering about Aliens?

It’s amazing how this question continues to surface and trouble Christians.

Recently, I was watching the remake of the TV series “V” with my two oldest kids. We didn’t get halfway through the the first episode of the first season without having the basics of our Christian faith challenged! That it was done in the space of 15 minutes should cause any thinking person to say, “Ya, right.” Tragically, though, too many of us professing faith in Jesus are shallow enough to fall for less than 15 minutes of so-called refutal of our faith. My two oldest were no exception! One of them said, ‘If there are aliens that would cause me to doubt my faith.’ Wake-up call! Earth to dad! You neglected this topic with your kids! Time to act! So we paused the TV show … for about 45 minutes of discussion.

The episode blatantly conveyed: (1) “Jesus” is not the answer, more than that, the “gospel” is dangerous and should be “dodged”; (2) the “Bible” doesn’t tell us all we need to know for faith and practice; and (3) we need to keep “God” as a nebulous undefined deity. If you didn’t pick that up from the TV series, then ask me about. Our discussion highlights:

(1) Does the possibility of other intelligent life existing somewhere in the universe undermine our Christian faith? Not at all. Surely God is able to create other complex life like us if he so chooses. As one of my Bible college professors said, “If there are aliens then they will have to bow the knee to Jesus Christ, too!” He further said to me, “I don’t even bother trying to tell skeptics otherwise, they just don’t listen.” If it is true that all things, except for God himself, have been made by and through and for the Son, then that would include extra-terrestrial life.

(2) Is there any real evidence that aliens exist, or even could exist? Biblically and theologically speaking, not really. That humans alone, out of all creation, have been specially created in the image of God, and also, that God the Son has taken on human flesh forever, seems to undermine belief in aliens. Scientifically and philosophically speaking, there is no existing evidence of extra-terrestrial life in the known universe. SETI, or any other like organizations, have failed to produce support that complex life like us exists elsewhere in the universe. Belief in aliens is entirely driven by Darwinian Evolution, resting on the assumption that since we and our planet evolved randomly by blind chance it is likely that this has happened elsewhere in the universe. But that assumption comes from blind faith, it’s a leap of logic, with no scientific support. Since no other intelligent beings have invaded us, hijacked a space shuttle, dropped in for a friendly visit, or even had the manners to return our messages to outer space, we should be unbelieving skeptics about it.

Current science has shown us that our home is an absolute rare gem, a privileged planet capable of supporting complex life like us. So far as we can tell, it is the only one like it in the known universe, serving as an amazing location for observing the universe and a great template for studying other planets. Current science has also shown us, from biology to astronomy, that complex life and the nature of universe are highly unlikely to have evolved on their own but need a qualified designer and sustainer. Again, though it is unlikely, if other intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe then they will have to have been designed too!

(3) What should we think about so-called pop-culture rebuttals of the Christian faith? Don’t worry about the modern myth of aliens. Certainly, God is free to do as he wills, even create life on other planets, and we should be okay with that. However, biblically and theologically, it is unlikely that aliens exist because of our special creation in the divine image and the incarnation. Scientifically and philosophically, there is no existing evidence, and thus, no sustainable logic to say that aliens exist.

So, my two oldest aren’t worried about modern alien myths anymore, and neither should you. BTW - we haven’t yet gotten back to “V.” It’s just too shallow, ridiculous and uniformed to keep our interest. We might, if super bored, finish episode one someday.

Pastor Robin.

For more information visit Creation Ministries International online and search the subject of alien and extra-terrestrial life, and intelligent design.